Monday, June 19, 2006

Introducing Aubrie, our princess!!

So I thought I would start from the beginning...since most of you haven't seen pictures of Aubrie from when she was a little tyke till now. So sit back and enjoy the picture ride. This is our first family picture...aren't we cute? OK, so the only cute one is the beautiful girl in the middle. Aubrie was 7 lbs 8 oz and 19 inches long. She brought tears to my eyes the first time I saw her. This was one of the most memorable moments of my life.

She had such a girlie face right from the beginning. We new right away that we were going to have to keep all the boys away. She had the most breathtaking eyes, and her skin was a perfect dark complexion. I started to wonder if this was really my daughter. She looked nothing like me. But that didn't stop me from hugging and kissing her like I've known her for years. She truly was a blessing, and has been since the day she was born.

Can you believe all the hair!! This was by far the most shocking moment of the whole delivery. I never imagined my baby to come out with such dark hair, and not to mention enough hair to put a clip into. It looked like she was wearing a wig. It took me a week before it became part of her. Now I can't imagine Aubrie without just wouldn't be the same girl. I'm sure you're wondering about the red cheeks. Our nurse came in and took her temperture and mentioned that she was a little on the cold side. So she decided to take Aubrie and put her under a heater. I was a little surprised when they brought her back to see her cheeks so red. It looked like she went sun tanning and got burned. But Aubrie was nice and warm and very content. So I didn't say a word.


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